A Showdown: Topcon vs. PERC Solar Cells

In the quest for more efficient and cost-effective solar energy solutions, the solar industry has seen remarkable advancements in photovoltaic (PV) technology. Two prominent contenders in this arena are Topcon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) and PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) solar cells. Both have their unique characteristics, advantages, and applications, sparking debates among solar enthusiasts and industry experts alike. Before diving into the comparison, let’s grasp the fundamentals of each technology:

Topcon Solar Cells:
Topcon cells feature a thin layer of tunnel oxide on the surface, which acts as a passivation layer. This layer helps in reducing electron-hole recombination losses, thereby enhancing the cell’s efficiency. The rear surface of the cell typically utilizes a high-quality passivated contact to improve performance further.

PERC Solar Cells:
PERC technology revolutionized the solar industry by introducing a passivation layer on the rear side of the cell, thereby mitigating surface recombination. This innovation significantly increased light absorption and electron capture, leading to higher efficiency and power output. PERC cells have gained widespread adoption due to their compatibility with existing production lines and relatively low manufacturing costs.

Comparing Efficiency and Performance

When it comes to efficiency, both Topcon and PERC cells excel, but they achieve it through different mechanisms. PERC cells are renowned for their ability to achieve high efficiency levels, often exceeding 20%. On the other hand, Topcon cells boast impressive efficiency by minimizing losses at the front and rear surfaces, often rivaling or even surpassing PERC cells in certain conditions.

Cost and Manufacturing Considerations

Cost-effectiveness plays a crucial role in determining the viability of solar technology. PERC cells have gained popularity due to their compatibility with standard production processes, enabling manufacturers to upgrade existing lines without significant investment. However, Topcon cells, while offering impressive performance, may require specialized production techniques, potentially increasing manufacturing costs.

Application and Market Dynamics

The choice between Topcon and PERC cells often depends on specific application requirements and market dynamics. PERC technology dominates the mainstream solar market due to its proven track record, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. It is widely used in utility-scale projects, commercial installations, and residential rooftops. On the other hand, Topcon cells find niche applications where maximizing efficiency is paramount, such as space-constrained installations or premium solar products targeting high-end markets.

Future Prospects and Innovations

As the solar industry continues to evolve, both Topcon and PERC technologies are subject to ongoing research and development efforts aimed at further improving efficiency, reducing costs, and expanding applicability. Emerging innovations such as TOPCon-IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact) and HJT (Heterojunction) solar cells are pushing the boundaries of efficiency and performance, promising exciting prospects for the future of solar energy.


In the Topcon vs. PERC showdown, there’s no clear winner; rather, each technology offers a unique set of advantages and applications. PERC cells dominate the mainstream market with their proven efficiency and cost-effectiveness, while Topcon cells cater to specialized niches where maximizing performance is paramount. As the solar industry marches towards a sustainable future, both technologies will continue to play pivotal roles in harnessing the power of the sun to meet our energy needs.


  1. Al-Amin, M., Islam, M. M., Hasanuzzaman, M., & Rahim, N. A. (2021). A comprehensive review on high-efficiency passivated emitter and rear contact (PERC) silicon solar cells. Solar Energy, 220, 369–394. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2021.01.052
  2. Green, M. A., Dunlop, E. D., Levi, D. H., Hohl-Ebinger, J., Yoshita, M., & Ho-Baillie, A. W. (2019). Solar cell efficiency tables (version 54). Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 27(1), 3–12. doi:10.1002/pip.3141
  3. Lin, H., Zhang, H., Yao, X., Wang, W., Wu, H., Zhao, H., & Shen, H. (2016). Top-con cells on n-type silicon wafers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 145, 186–191. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2015.10.007
  4. Müller, J., Hermle, M., & Glunz, S. W. (2015). PERC solar cell technology: from R&D to mass production. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5(5), 1319–1326. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2447315
  5. Yang, G., Wu, J., Meng, F., Gao, P., Xiao, S., Yu, Z., & Yang, B. (2017). Review of silicon photonics foundry efforts. Micromachines, 8(6), 182. doi:10.3390/mi8060182

Agrivoltaica: Uniting Agriculture and Solar Power

Agrivoltaica, a merging of “agriculture” and “voltaic” electrical energy, is a progressive method combining agricultural practices with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. This holistic approach addresses the challenge of optimizing land use for both food production and clean energy generation. This article explores the concept of agrivoltaica, delving into its advantages, challenges, and its potential impact on sustainable energy and agriculture.

Efficient Land Use

Agrivoltaica tackles the issue of competing land use by seamlessly integrating solar panels into agricultural landscapes. This approach enables the simultaneous utilization of land for food production and electricity generation.

Increased Crop Yields

Surprisingly, research indicates that agrivoltaic systems can positively influence crop growth by creating a favourable microclimate. The shade provided by solar panels reduces water evaporation, offering a more stable environment that can contribute to enhanced agricultural productivity.

Environmental Benefits

Agrivoltaic systems contribute to environmental conservation by minimizing the need for additional land for solar farms. The shade provided by solar panels also helps mitigate the impact of extreme weather conditions on crops, aligning with global efforts to address climate change.

Community Engagement

Agrivoltaic projects often receive community support due to their dual-purpose nature. By addressing energy needs while sustaining agricultural practices, these projects contribute to local economies and foster a sense of shared responsibility for sustainable development.

Challenges and Considerations

While agrivoltaica offers numerous benefits, challenges exist in balancing the requirements of both solar energy production and agriculture. Factors such as crop selection, panel height, and maintenance must be carefully considered. Additionally, assessing the economic viability of agrivoltaic systems is crucial to ensuring their long-term sustainability.


Agrivoltaica represents a promising synergy between agriculture and solar energy, showcasing the potential for innovative solutions to global challenges. By optimizing land use, enhancing crop yields, and contributing to environmental sustainability, agrivoltaic systems offer a vision of a future where clean energy and agriculture can coexist seamlessly. As technology advances, agrivoltaica stands as a symbol of progress, illustrating that the pursuit of sustainability can be a collaborative effort benefiting both the planet and its inhabitants.

  • Dinesh Panday et al. “Effects of Solar Panel Arrays on Microclimate and Soil Properties in Agricultural Systems.” Scientific Reports, 2019.
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). “Agrivoltaics: An Overview of the Benefits, Impacts, and Opportunities in the United States.” 2020.
  • Gemma Guttman, et al. “Solar panels in agriculture: Assessing the impact of shade on crop growth and yield.” PLOS ONE, 2019.
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. “Agrivoltaics – Opportunities and Challenges.” 2020.
  • The World Bank. “Integrating Agriculture and Solar Photovoltaics: Opportunities and Challenges.” 2017.

Evaluating the Viability of Flexible Solar Panels in the Indian Market

As the world continues to embrace renewable energy sources to combat climate change, solar power has emerged as a key player in the transition towards a sustainable future. India, with its abundant sunlight and ambitious renewable energy targets, seems like an ideal market for the adoption of solar technology. However, the viability of flexible solar panels in the Indian market raises questions due to a variety of factors that need careful consideration.

Efficiency and Performance Concerns

Flexible solar panels, often based on thin-film technology, typically exhibit lower efficiency compared to traditional crystalline silicon panels. In a country like India where maximizing energy output per unit area is crucial due to land constraints and the intermittent nature of sunlight, the reduced efficiency of flexible panels becomes a significant drawback. India’s solar energy generation relies heavily on achieving high energy yields from limited space, making conventional panels a more attractive option in terms of energy production.

Durability and Longevity

The Indian climate can be extremely challenging for solar panels. From scorching heatwaves to heavy monsoon rains, panels must be able to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. Flexible solar panels are generally more prone to wear and tear due to their design and materials. The potential for damage from dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures could result in frequent maintenance requirements and shorter lifespans. This not only increases operational costs but also undermines the overall economic viability of flexible panels in the long run.

Cost Considerations

While flexible solar panels may offer installation advantages due to their lightweight and versatile nature, the initial cost of these panels is often higher than traditional options. The Indian market, which is sensitive to upfront costs, may find it challenging to justify the higher investment required for flexible panels, especially when considering their lower efficiency and potential maintenance costs. Affordability is a crucial factor for mass adoption of solar energy in a country where cost-effectiveness is paramount.

Technological Maturity

The technology behind flexible solar panels, particularly thin-film technology, is still evolving. As a result, issues related to efficiency, durability, and overall performance continue to be areas of research and development. In a market that demands reliable and proven solutions, the relative novelty of flexible panels might deter potential investors and buyers who seek tried-and-true technologies for their energy projects.

Grid Compatibility and Integration

India’s power infrastructure is gradually evolving to incorporate higher shares of renewable energy. However, the intermittent nature of solar power poses challenges for grid stability. Conventional crystalline silicon panels, with their higher efficiency, can contribute more consistently to the grid. The lower efficiency and potential variability of flexible panels could complicate efforts to maintain a stable and reliable power supply, which is crucial for meeting the energy demands of a growing economy like India.


While the concept of flexible solar panels is intriguing and aligns with the global trend of innovative clean energy solutions, the Indian market presents unique challenges that warrant careful consideration. The need for high efficiency, durability, affordability, and grid stability makes traditional crystalline silicon panels a more viable option for the Indian solar market at this juncture. As technology advances and the drawbacks of flexible panels are addressed, their viability in India could certainly improve. However, for now, the focus should remain on proven technologies that can drive India closer to its renewable energy goals.

Whispers of Devotion

Amidst the vast landscapes of 19th century colonial India, where tradition and modernity intersected, two hearts embarked on a timeless journey that would transcend societal norms and forge a love story for the ages.

In the heart of a quaint village, nestled in the embrace of the majestic Himalayas, lived Radha, a spirited young woman with eyes that reflected the wisdom of ages. She was known for her fervent devotion to the village temple and her radiant smile that could melt even the coldest hearts. And then there was Arjun, a dashing young scholar from a nearby town. He had returned to the village to seek refuge from the chaos of the urban world. His insatiable thirst for knowledge and progressive ideas set him apart from the conservative surroundings. Their paths crossed one dew-kissed morning at the village marketplace. Radha’s basket of vibrant marigolds collided with Arjun’s stack of ancient texts, setting off an unexpected yet captivating connection. Their shared laughter and exchanged stories painted the canvas of their souls with intrigue and fascination.

As the days turned to weeks, Radha and Arjun’s interactions deepened. Their conversations ranged from philosophy to poetry, and their thoughts mirrored each other’s like twin stars in the night sky. They found themselves walking the village lanes, lost in conversations that ignited their minds and warmed their hearts. Yet, love in the 1800s was no simple matter. In a society where arranged marriages were the norm and societal expectations weighed heavily, Radha and Arjun’s bond faced challenges that would test the strength of their connection.

Their love blossomed like a forbidden flower, their hearts intertwined with the threads of devotion and longing. They exchanged secret glances during temple rituals and communicated through coded messages hidden in the folds of ancient texts. Their love was nurtured in the sanctity of moonlit nights and whispered promises. When their love was discovered, it sparked a tempest of emotions within the village. Families were torn between tradition and the changing winds of a new era. Yet, Radha and Arjun remained steadfast, their hearts unyielding in the face of adversity.

Guided by the wisdom of the village elders and inspired by tales of legendary love stories, Radha and Arjun embarked on a journey to prove that love, though forbidden, could be a force that transcended time. Their determination inspired the village to reconsider their rigid beliefs, paving the way for a new understanding of love and companionship. In the end, Radha and Arjun’s love not only united two souls but also ignited a transformation that would echo through generations.

“Whispers of Devotion” stands as a testament to the power of love in the midst of societal upheaval, reminding us that even in the 1800s, hearts could be united by the strength of their devotion and the depth of their love.

What is Climate Change ?

Climate change is a complex and multifaceted issue that is affecting the entire planet. It is caused by a variety of factors, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and the release of certain gases into the atmosphere. These activities release large amounts of carbon dioxide and their greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the planet to warm.

As the planet warms, we are seeing a range of consequences, including more frequent and severe heatwaves, droughts, and storms. These events can have serious impacts on human health, agriculture, and the natural environment.

One of the most significant impacts of climate change is rising sea levels. As the planet warms, the polar ice caps are melting, causing the oceans to rise. This puts low-lying coastal areas at risk of flooding and erosion. It also has the potential to displace millions of people around the world.

Another impact of climate change is the alteration of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity. Many plants and animals are unable to adapt to the changing climate and are struggling to survive. This could have serious consequences for the planet’s ecosystems and the services they provide, such as pollination and the regulation of water and air quality.

To address climate change, it is essential that we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and transition to clean, renewable sources of energy. This will require significant changes to the way we produce and use energy, as well as changes to our transportation systems and land use practices.

Individuals can also make a difference by reducing their own carbon footprint through actions such as using public transportation, reducing energy consumption at home, and supporting businesses and politicians that prioritize the environment.

Addressing climate change will not be easy, but it is essential if we want to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable future for all.

How can solar panels help to decelerate climate change?

Solar panels are a clean and renewable source of energy that can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it is converted into electricity that can be used to power homes, businesses, and other facilities.

The use of solar panels can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a few ways. First, solar energy is a clean, non-polluting source of electricity. It does not produce any carbon dioxide or other harmful emissions when it is generated, unlike fossil fuels, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide when they are burned.

Second, solar panels can help displace the use of fossil fuels, which are the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. By generating electricity from the sun instead of coal, natural gas, or oil, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

Finally, solar panels can help reduce the need for transmission and distribution of electricity over long distances. This can help reduce the amount of energy lost in transmission and lower the overall carbon footprint of the energy system.

Overall, the use of solar panels is a simple and effective way to help combat climate change and transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy system.

Lithium Solar Inverters : The Future of Solar Energy

The world is moving towards renewable energy at an unprecedented pace, and solar power is leading the charge. Solar panels have become a popular way to harness the sun’s energy and generate electricity. But to use this electricity, you need an inverter. Inverters convert the DC power generated by solar panels into AC power that can be used in your home. With the advent of compact lithium inverters, home solar systems have become even more efficient and cost-effective.

Lithium inverters are a type of inverter that uses lithium-ion or Lithium Ferro Phosphate batteries to store excess energy generated by solar panels. These inverters have many advantages over traditional inverters, such as lead-acid batteries. Here are a few reasons why compact lithium inverters are the future of solar energy for homes:

  • Compact size : Lithium inverters are much smaller compared to traditional inverters. This makes them perfect for homes where space is limited. The smaller size also means that they can be easily installed on walls or in tight spaces, without taking up too much room. And in most cases, the battery pack is built into the PCU. 
  • High Efficiency :  Lithium inverters are highly efficient and can convert up to 98% of the energy stored in their batteries into usable AC power. This means that you can use more of the energy generated by your solar panels, and less of it goes to waste. The high efficiency of these inverters also means that they can be charged quickly, ensuring that you always have backup power available when you need it.
  • Longer Lifespan : Lithium batteries have a much longer lifespan than traditional lead-acid batteries. They can last up to 15 years or more, which means that you won’t have to replace them as often. This makes them more cost-effective in the long run, as you won’t have to spend money on replacements or repairs as frequently.
  • Modular Design : Lithium inverters have a modular design, which means that you can easily add more batteries to your system as your energy needs increase. This makes it easier to expand your solar system over time, without having to replace the entire system.
  • Easy to Monitor : Most compact lithium inverters come with advanced monitoring systems that allow you to track your energy usage and battery levels in real-time. This means that you can easily keep track of how much energy you are using, and adjust your usage accordingly. Some inverters even come with smartphone apps that allow you to monitor your system remotely.
  • Silent Operation : Lithium inverters operate silently, unlike traditional inverters that can be noisy and disruptive. This means that you won’t even notice when your system switches from solar power to battery power, as the transition is seamless and quiet.
  • Environmentally Friendly : Lithium batteries are more environmentally friendly than lead-acid batteries. They don’t contain toxic materials, and they are much easier to recycle. This means that they have a lower impact on the environment, and they are a more sustainable option for home solar systems.

Compact, wall mounted lithium inverters are a game-changer for home solar systems. They are highly efficient, cost-effective, and easy to use. With their smaller size, longer lifespan, and modular design, they are the perfect choice for homeowners who want to switch to solar energy without breaking the bank. Whether you want to power your entire home with solar energy, or just use it as a backup power source, compact lithium inverters are the way to go.

In conclusion, Lithium inverters are the future of solar energy for homes. They offer many advantages over traditional inverters, including compact size, high efficiency, longer lifespan, modular design, easy monitoring, silent operation, and environmental sustainability. With their advanced technology and cost-effectiveness, they are the future of power backup systems for the urban and rural folks.

Saurally is one of leading manufacturers of Wall Mounted Lithium Inverters, Solar Panels and lithium batteries. Please contact us for more information.

Growth of Electric Vehicles in India

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly important part of the automotive landscape. They have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. India is no exception to this trend and has set ambitious targets for the adoption of EVs. The Indian government has set a target of achieving 30% electric mobility by 2030. To achieve this goal, the government has announced a number of measures such as the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) and the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme. These policies aim to provide incentives for the manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles, as well as the development of charging infrastructure.

The FAME scheme, launched in 2015, provides incentives for the purchase of electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers and development of charging infrastructure. The second phase of the scheme, FAME-II, launched in 2019, focuses on the development of electric buses and three-wheelers, and charging infrastructure.

In addition to government efforts, the private sector has also shown significant interest in the EV market in India. Several domestic and international automakers have announced plans to launch electric vehicles in the Indian market. For example, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Ashok Leyland have announced plans to launch electric buses, while Maruti Suzuki, the country’s largest car manufacturer, has announced plans to launch an electric car by 2025.

The e-mobility sector in India requires availability of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the supply side and adoption trends on the demand side. But, despite the progress and efforts made by both the government and the private sector, the adoption of EVs in India still faces several challenges. One of the major challenges is the lack of charging infrastructure which is a key prerequisite that will enable and facilitate adoption. EVs carry limited on-board energy in the battery packs which need charging from time-to-time depending upon the battery pack, size, and capacity. Charging systems are therefore essential for sustainable operation of EVs. While the government has announced plans to set up charging stations across the country, the current infrastructure is still limited and not well-distributed. Also, High operating cost, uncertainty of power supply by discoms, possible utilization rates of charging stations are barriers to expansion. Thus, charging infrastructure is both the backbone of e-mobility and also a key barrier. This lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for consumers to consider opting for electric vehicles.

Another challenge is the high cost of EVs compared to their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts. This is due to a multitude of factors such as the high cost of batteries and the lack of economies of scale in the EV market. However, with the increasing demand for EVs and the development of new technologies, it is expected that the cost of EVs will decrease in the future.

Moreover, the lack of awareness and understanding of EVs among consumers also poses a significant challenge. Many consumers are not familiar with the benefits of EVs and how they differ from traditional vehicles, which makes it difficult for them to make informed decisions about purchasing an EV.Like we all know, batteries are the most common, convenient and adaptable form of storing energy. The potential for storage in battery systems can increase the penetration of renewable energy sources. Batteries have been used traditionally for many small-scale applications. Batteries can be classified into primary and secondary types. There are various types of batteries like Lead Acid, Lithium-Ion (Li-ion), Lithium-Ion-Polymer (Li-ion polymer), Lithium Ferro Phosphate, Reusable Alkaline batteries. But there has been a string shift to Lithim based batteries. EV batteries have a complex supply chain with three main parts: cell manufacturing, module manufacturing, and pack assembly.

In conclusion, with the Government’s push for EVs and ambitious targets for the adoption of EVs which are visible with the slew of supporting policies to achieve this goal. The demand shift in the market has propelled many manufacturers to make substantial investments and show significant interest to develop EVs and its associated infrastructure. However, the adoption of EVs in India still faces several challenges such as the lack of charging infrastructure, high cost of EVs, and lack of awareness among consumers. It is important that these challenges are addressed in order to achieve the government’s goal of 30% electric mobility by 2030.

Saurally is one of leading manufacturers of Electric Vehicle Batteries and provides design services for EV manufacturers in India and Europe. Please contact us for more information.

India As Global Solar Manufacturing Hub Post COVID19

Can India be an international hub for solar manufacturing? The answer is a big capital YES. As usual, an accurate answer needs much more analysis, prediction and explanation. In this article, we shall discuss the global scenarios which may positively push India to become the world leader in solar manufacturing. Of course, the push must be well accepted by our country with the help of  domestic solar players and policy makers by modifying our current approach to the manufacturing industry.

Challenges and Solutions

In the pre COVID-19 world, there were multiple problems or shortcomings in the Indian solar industry which will continue to persist in the post COVID-19 world as well. It is wise to address them first. Overcoming these issues will make the industry much more sustainable. After all, we are in it for a sustainable, long term manufacturing hub.

Lack of Special Focus

The Indian government has paid attention to many fields such as the automobile and food processing industry. A reduction in the Goods and Services Tax rate to 18 percent on vehicles and introduction of an incentive-based scrappage policy is a very welcome step for the automobile industry. Food processing industry enjoys income tax exemptions under Section 35AD of the Income Tax Act. Such special allowance and focus has helped automobile and food processing industries to penetrate and grow into the competitive global market. The Solar Industry, at this point of time lacks such special focus from the government.

Inaccurate Demand Forecasting

Current manufacturers can not forecast the future solar demands owing to the uncertain nature of the domestic projects. Most of the inland projects are not executed within expected time, leading to inaccurate market demand forecasting. Hence the existing manufacturing units are working at an average of 60% of their full production capacity. To fix this problem, the current players (manufacturers & EPC contractors) are supposed to make realistic estimation and try to complete the projects without exceeding the buffer time. At the same time, local regulatory bodies such as DISCOMS should fastrack the paperwork of any solar project. Increased utilisation of the existing capacity will attract more domestic and international investors. Perhaps, a single window approach serves well in this case. This will tremendously improve demand forecasting in the country.

Complex Taxation and Legal structure for FDI

Foreign Direct Investments are like the boosters for a rocket to take off from the ground. Although the industry can completely thrive on domestic investments, a surge in foreign funds will kick start the solar industry at high acceleration. Solar industry in India lacks a streamlined, simple FDI structure. Hence, foreign investors shy away from investing in this industry. A large share of total FDI goes into automobile(10%), service (32%), telecommunication(15%) and infrastructure (9%) industry. Power industry only received 3.6% of the total FDI in FY2019. Out of that only 30% headed to the solar industry. Easing taxation policies and opening a single window especially for Solar FDI will boost the industry greatly. Industry wise FDI cash inflow for the financial year 2019 is shown in the charts below.


Standard Certification brings reliability, quality and efficiency in the products. Certifications are necessary to develop a sustainable industry in a country or globally. Small manufacturing units usually do not have the capital to invest in the certifications with high prices. Besides, banks do not consider certification as capital investment. Hence most of the small and medium scale manufacturers are unable to cater to the larger audience who demand quality certifications.

The investment in certifications needs to be subsidised by the government and globally accepted standards such as IEC must be accepted for large scale and small scale public projects. Recently, Indian government introduced BIS Certification of solar modules and other products which does not add any value to the existing global standard such as IEC. Manufacturers who have already invested in IEC certification must simply shell out money to get BIS tests done for certification which is technically the same as the IEC test certification.

Indigenisation of Complete Value Chain 

Solar cells and modules alone do not make up the entire solar power system. There are a lot of other essential equipment to harness solar energy and utilise it. Indian manufacturers and local regulatory bodies should focus on manufacturing products such as inverters, high quality mounting structures, tracking devices etc. within the country. This will develop the industry as a whole.

Lack of Regional Solar Manufacturing Hubs

Although there are multiple solar manufacturing and services companies, they are widely dispersed in the entire country. This makes logistics a huge problem. The raw material suppliers are further away from manufacturers thus increasing the manufacturing cost. Regionally centralised manufacturing hub with a research center, raw material suppliers alongside and finished goods storage cells all over the country makes a better model that could cater a country as big as India.

Focus on latest technology, Research and Development

In India, there is no special advantage or subsidy given for manufacturing and supplying  latest and emerging technology based solar products. Thus most of the manufacturers stick to the less expensive and widely accepted products. This hinders the progress of the country in terms of innovation. Governments should subsidise the use of the latest technology and promote manufacturing of state of the art solar products. Chinese government started promoting solar mono crystalline cells and module production in 2018. Mono crystalline panels are much more efficient than the polycrystalline. By the end of 2019, 80% of the modules manufactured in China were monocrystalline. This brought down the price of monocrystalline systems and thus making it a wise choice in the current days. Such steps should be taken by the Indian government too. Private investors and project developers should insist on using the latest technology which creates a healthy demand in the market. This inturn creates a space for research and development and indirectly allows Indian manufacturers to compete in the global market.

These are the shortcomings of Indian domestic manufacturing that are prevailing since 2015. With a concrete plan by the policy makers and close cooperation of the industry leaders, these can be overcome.

Post COVID19 Analysis and Projections

It is evident that most of the industries are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Excluding a few industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare and the food industry, rest have been affected to a great extent. According to MERCOM there are multiple effects of COVID-19 that are already being observed in the solar industry such as delayed PPA billing and payment, reduction in solar investment by 31% in Q1 of 2020. Other than that, there are multiple job losses, shutdown of small scale manufacturers and delayed commissioning of new solar manufacturing units and power plants. 

Just like the two sides of a coin, COVID-19 also has some positive effects on the solar industry. These positives can be amplified with certain specific modifications to our current industry. 

Low Oil Prices

The COVID-19 crisis has reduced the crude oil prices as low as USD 20 per barrel in mid April 2020. It is evident that the Government of India heavily subsidised oil prices. Since the international prices are low, these subsidies can be safely and economically shifted to the solar industry. Lower prices means faster ROI (Return on Investment), ergo creates demand. Hence the manufacturing plants in the country can grow at a higher pace.

Reduction in PV Prices

China, Germany, Japan and a few other countries have already reduced the PV and other raw material prices due to the global decrease in demand. Indian solar industry can take advantage of this price fall and start producing products on a large scale.

Monocrystalline Vs. Polycrystalline Price Gap

The price gap between the monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells is seen at 25% currently and is projected to drop down to 10% by Q3 of 2020. Indian manufacturers can take advantage of this lower price gap and shift towards superior and more efficient technology.

Post COVID19 Geopolitics

Industry analysts have presented a strong case for competitive non-chinese manufacturing to meet global demand. Owing to the huge manpower that is at disposal in India, manufacturers can use it to meet the global solar demands. Thus increasing the overall production capacity and incorporating latest technology. Quick expansion in the manufacturing will also bring down the price, making India a competitive alternative to China.


Every tunnel has a ray of light in the end. Just like that Indian solar manufacturing is capable of growing at a healthy rate with suggested changes in the industry. When the world emerges from the disruption of COVID-19, the imperative lies with the government and other major solar players. There are costs to be paid but that also offers a narrow window of opportunity. A strong response by the policy makers will go a long way in cashing on the opportunity by domestic solar manufacturers.


Walking the Talk

“Indians are only good at telling stories (giving excuses). They have no sense of science or historiography”

Al-Beruni (Medieval Scholar/Historian)

Al-Beruni had strong opinion regarding his observations about India of the eleventh century. I read this while I was going through some random sample books pre-installed on my Kindle. After reading this, I took some time for self-introspection. Was I telling a story myself? Was I giving excuses myself?

I was in Berlin, Germany back then (2015). I had an interesting job that paid me well. I was accustomed to life that involved a lot of travel, great friends, new experiences, etc. I was having the time of my life. Reading the above statement took me back a few years to my college days in Bengaluru. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and contribute toward my country. I wanted to start my own venture. Though that idea was always in the back of my head but what had I done about it? Nothing.

In  2016, I started to work on my venture. Came up with a couple of ideas that seemed good enough to advance further into. After a couple of months of rigorous product and market research, I latched on to renewable industry. Stated designing my own products at FabLab Berlin. But it was nothing organized or concrete. I started organizing them. After a few weeks I had a broad road map of how to go on and get started. But there were few fundamental questions which needed answering. The two major questions were, firstly, Why solar and what in solar? Secondly, where do I start my venture? The first question has been answered in a separate blog(link). I am going to answer the second here.

I needed to start a manufacturing plant of solar products and I needed to decide on a location. Whether in and around metro areas or in some Special Economic Zone. I discussed this with my friend and future Co-founder Farees, we decided on Yadgir, Karnataka as our headquarters for Saurally. For many reading this blog, you might have never heard of it or even if you have you might have no idea whether it is a district or taluk or where in the state of Karnataka it is. Yadgir is the newest district located in the northern part of Karnataka in the Hyderabad-Karnataka Region. Historically, it had been one of the most under-developed parts of the state and the country. The Article 371-J of Indian Constitution which bestows some special concessions on Yadgir has limited impact on the condition of the people living there. Everyone blames the government. I, myself in the past have done so. But now I accepted the fact that development is not the responsibility of the Government alone. I and people alike, who were fortunate enough to get the best of education in India and abroad are obligated to contribute to the development of our respective natives.

Hence, the rationale behind choosing Yadgir as the location for our manufacturing plant was to create local employment and hone skills. Next the relative land prices are a bit cheaper compared to other areas and also to encourage other entrepreneurs to do the same. As a son of the soil, I believe, I owe to my region. Over the past year and a half, our manufacturing plant has been constructed in Yadgir and functioning in full capacity. Reflecting on choice of Yadgir as headquarters in hindsight, I would not say everything was easy. Nothing in life is. I knew that I would face many challenges in getting Saurally up and running. I have faced all of them with a smile. I am well supported by my team and my family. This will all be worth it when our hard work will reap dividends.

On a parting note, I would like to say to Al-Beruni, Modern Indians are good at getting things done. Saurally has taken a small step towards its multi-dimensional vision. There are more goals to achieve and we will do them step by step. It gives me immense joy to say that Saurally employees 30 members now out which 22 are from Hyderabad-Karnataka region who were trained and skilled locally and we are just getting started.